A Journey’s Joyful Conclusion

We had a fantastic time on this North East expedition only because of our incredible co-travellers. The love, affection, respect and co-operation amongst us has been the backbone of our wonderful journey. We would love to travel with you all in the future.

It takes a lot to organize and execute a trip of this kind. There are literally hundreds of things to take care of and Prachur, Fareed and Harish (and their team at AO) have done some amazing work behind the scenes to make our trip memorable. Keep it up guys. We will see you again soon!! 

For the entire duration of the journey, there was no stress about the business thanks to my brother, Jay. I did not get or make a single call about work on the trip. Priti was also relaxed as Jay’s wife, Shilpa, was taking care of everything at home. I deeply cherish the constant love and encouragement that we get from our family and friends. 

We are blessed to have two lovely daughters, Shuchi and Twisha (and my son-in-law, Harsh), who have always supported me in whatever wild ideas I get from time to time. Lastly, my lovely wife, Priti, my soulmate. I could not have done it without her.

Finally, I am humbled by God's creation, we are truly fortunate to see and explore this big, wonderful world. Among many things that I learned on this trip and I will work on myself is patience and gratitude. It's been a fantastic couple of weeks but as the saying goes, All good things must come to an end.


  1. Hemangbhai : I am fortunate to have associated with you and Priti bhabhi during our Road to London tour 2022. We had a wonderful time together. It was really a nice and wonderful experience to read the journey blogs of your this tour of North East . I really enjoyed this as good as LIVE experience of your entire tour with Team AO . It was indeed a pleasure to read about Prachur and his teammates. Thx again Hemant bhai. All the best. Keep traveling.

  2. Now that this trip is completed may you again have some more wild ideas and embark on another trip as through your unflinching and detailed daily blogs enthusiasts like me are also living their desires but are unable to undertake such arduous and gruelling trips. I was in awe where one particular day you'll drove 13 hours. Keep up the fettish of such trips. Have a safe and pleasant drive back to Mumbai.

  3. Feels like even I have been to North east. Your blog has been wonderful and heartfelt!! Looking forward to your next expedition!!

  4. Congratulations to you all. I am as always very very proud of you children Hemang and Priti. Our contact over the years though from a distance has been enhanced by these travel blogs Always remember the " I want to do it My WAY little Hemang and my dear Jay just following you. Bless you all. Keep the Spirit up. Priti dear you have been a wonderful partner. Bless you all.


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