1.1 The Road Beckons

23/02/2024 Friday

Mumbai to Guwahati

Hello friends, 

After a hiatus of 16 months, Priti and I are once again embarking on a road trip. This time our wheels are set for the enchanting landscapes of Northeast India. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a journey filled with picturesque vistas and untamed natural beauty.

Our trusted friends at Adventures Overland are guiding us on the expedition which starts and ends in Guwahati from March 2 to 17.

Starting tomorrow, on the first leg of the trip, from Mumbai to Guwahati, we are not going solo – Usha and Kiritbhai, (my sister and brother-in-law) are hopping aboard the adventure express to let the road unfold its secrets. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they catch the travel bug and join us for more escapades in the future. Over a week's time, we will traverse through the heart of six incredible states and cover about 2700 kilometers to reach Guwahati in Assam.

The open road beckons, the anticipation is building and we can't wait to share every thrilling moment with you!



  1. All the best Hemangbhai-Priti and Usha -Kiritbhai. Through you we will also embark on this journey. πŸ‘

  2. Enjoy the drive and take care.

  3. All best hemang sir ... Hope you have a great drive .. More memories per kilometre

  4. Your experiences dwell into hearts with a bucket list for such enchanting trips.

  5. With you all the way dearest Hemang Priti And family . Will be checking your site and will enjoy every moment seeing the places through your eyes as I had done on your previous traveks.
    So go ahead God bless and a very very happy successful journey.

  6. Eagerly waiting to hear from you about your journey and see scenic pictures! EnjoyπŸ€—

  7. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. However I keep wondering who "Anonymous" is? πŸ€”πŸ€” 😊

    1. He is a very famous poet and author of several stunning pieces.

  8. Wishing 4 of you. All Very Best for your this journey.Please take utmost care throughout the journey.Enjoy it & we will also with your description.

  9. So excited for you’ll πŸ‘»πŸ˜ƒ take care and have funnnnn !

  10. Enjoying your journey as well as you, may be. The description you put we feel it is in the front of us. we are traveling with you.All Very Best, take care.

  11. JSK Hemangbhai. The descriptions plus pictures you upload is very vivid. Glad you, Preeti Bhabhi, Ushaben and Kirtibhai are having a good time. You all take care and have adventures galore. Reshma


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