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A Journey’s Joyful Conclusion

We had a fantastic time on this North East expedition only because of our incredible co-travellers. The love, affection, respect and co-operation amongst us has been the backbone of our wonderful journey. We would love to travel with you all in the future. It takes a lot to organize and execute a trip of this kind. There are literally hundreds of things to take care of and Prachur, Fareed and Harish (and their team at AO) have done some amazing work behind the scenes to make our trip memorable. Keep it up guys. We will see you again soon!!  For the entire duration of the journey, there was no stress about the business thanks to my brother, Jay. I did not get or make a single call about work on the trip. Priti was also relaxed as Jay’s wife, Shilpa, was taking care of everything at home. I deeply cherish the constant love and encouragement that we get from our family and friends.  We are blessed to have two lovely daughters, Shuchi and Twisha (and my son-in-law, Harsh), who have always

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2.14 A Rest Day in Cherrapunji

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